Iran’s Energy Minister Visits Iraq over Unpaid Debts

Iran’s Energy Minister Visits Iraq over Unpaid Debts

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Minister of Energy Reza Ardakanian met top Iraqi officials in a visit to Baghdad to discuss plans for closer cooperation with the neighboring state and push it to pay off debts from the purchase of gas and electricity.

Heading an Iranian delegation, Ardakanian arrived in Baghdad on Tuesday morning and held meetings with senior Iraqi officials, including Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

The Iranian energy minister has reportedly called on the Iraqi government to settle its unpaid debts to Tehran for the import of natural gas and electricity.

Ardakanian also had a meeting with Iraq’s Electricity Minister Majid Mahdi Hantoush to weigh plans to regulate electricity supply to Iraq, IRNA reported.

The Iranian energy minister also held talks with Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Mustafa Ghalib Makhif about Tehran-Baghdad bilateral relations and financial cooperation.

Moreover, the visiting Iranian minister held a meeting with Iraqi Minister of Trade Alaa Ahmed al-Jubouri to review the ways to regulate trade ties.

Iranian and Iraqi delegations have also made arrangements for the next meeting of the Joint Economic Commission.

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