No Difference between US Bases, Regional Host States in War: IRGC General

No Difference between US Bases, Regional Host States in War: IRGC General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force warned regional Arab countries that Iran would make no distinction between American military bases and the countries hosting those sites if a war broke out.

In an interview with Al-Manar, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh advised the regional countries working with the US and Israel to rectify their policies.

“The US and the Zionist regime have not created security anywhere, and if something happens in here and a war breaks out, we will make no distinction between the US base and its host country. Naturally, the very same Arab countries of the region will bear the brunt,” he warned.

General Hajizadeh reasserted that the IRGC’s missile power would never be subject to negotiations, saying, “No (Iranian) official is allowed to negotiate about the missile power, and this is our red line.”

He also noted that Iran has independently decided to restrict the range of its missiles to 2,000 kilometers, but such limitation on the range of missile is not eternal.

Reaffirming Iran’s support for whoever fighting against the Zionist regime, the commander said Gaza and Lebanon are at the forefront of the battle and all of their missile capabilities have been supported by the Islamic Republic.

“Instead of giving a fish or teaching to catch a fish, we taught our allies and friends how to make a hook,” he said, adding that they are now in possession of advanced missile technologies.

The Israeli regime is currently at a “crossroad of fire” coming from Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and other Muslim countries, General Hajizadeh said, adding that the friends of Iran are now equipped with missiles with pinpoint accuracy instead of simple rockets.

He said efforts have been made round the clock since years ago after Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei warned the Zionist regime that Haifa and Tel Aviv will be razed to the ground if Israel makes a mistake.

Hajizadeh also pointed to Iran’s retaliatory missile strike on the US base of Ain al-Assad in Iraq after the assassination of Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, saying such attack destroyed the dignity of the US.

On the plans to hit back at the US in January 2020 after the missile strike, the general said, “We were prepared for the American response. Our missile power was fully on alert. If they had given a response, we would have hit all of their bases from Jordan to Iraq and the Persian Gulf, even all of their warships in the Indian Ocean.”

The January 2020 missile attack on Ain al-Assad military base came in retaliation for Washington's assassination of Lieutenant General Soleimani upon his arrival in the Iraqi capital at the invitation of the Baghdad government.

US forces initially reported no casualties, but it later emerged that at least 110 soldiers sustained traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

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