Zarif Reaffirms Iran’s Support for Syria in War on Terror

Zarif Reaffirms Iran’s Support for Syria in War on Terror

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif assured his Syrian counterpart that Tehran will keep supporting the Damascus government in the fight against terrorism and in the efforts to ensure security and stability across Syria.

In a telephone conversation with Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad, the top Iranian diplomat reaffirmed that the Islamic Republic will continue to support Syria in various fields, particularly in combatting terrorism.

Zarif also stressed the need for efforts to restore security and stability to all Syrian territories and achieve a solution that preserves the interests, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria.

For his part, Mekdad called for the enhancement of Syria’s relations with Iran in various fields, particularly the economic cooperation.

He also thanked Iran for supporting the Syrian people in the economic arena with the purpose of mitigating the effects of unilateral economic sanctions.

The two foreign ministers also talked about the results of the recent meetings within the framework of the Astana peace format held in Russia’s Sochi, stressing the need for the Western parties to abide by the UN Security Council resolutions on Syria and the final communiqué of the Astana meetings, SANA reported.

Zarif and Mekdad also discussed the developments in the activities of Syria’s Constitutional Committee and the results of its latest meeting in Geneva, where the participants emphasized that the committee should operate under the leadership and ownership of Syrian people without any foreign interference.


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