Iran Condemns US Attacks on Eastern Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the “illegal and aggressive” US airstrikes in eastern Syria as a clear violation of human rights and international law.

In a statement on Friday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh said the US attacks against Syria were a continuation of Israel’s unabated aggression on the Arab country’s territories.

“The attacks… have taken place in a context in which US forces have illegally entered Syrian territory in recent years, occupying areas of the country and plundering its natural resources, including oil," which rightfully belong to the Syrian nation, Khatibzadeh said, Press TV reported.

“Illegal US bases on Syrian soil also train terrorist forces and use them as tools,” he added.

The spokesman also denounced the US attacks as a clear violation of Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity that would exacerbate military conflicts and further destabilize the region.

The statement came after US warplanes conducted airstrikes on areas in Syria’s eastern province of Deir Ez-Zur near the Syrian-Iraqi borders, the first of its kind under new American President Joe Biden.