Iran’s Top Security Official Raps US Attacks on Resistance Forces

Iran’s Top Security Official Raps US Attacks on Resistance Forces

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council decried the recent “brutal” US strikes on the Iraqi forces in Syria as part of attempts to revive “organized terrorism”, vowing that Iran will not allow a resurgence of Takfiri terrorism in the region.

In a meeting with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, held in Tehran on Saturday, Ali Shamkhani denounced the US’ recent measures to strengthen the Daesh terrorist group in the region and its brutal attack against the anti-terror resistance forces as an indication of plots for “a new round of organized terrorism”.

“Iran and other countries fighting against terrorism will not allow the affiliated Takfiri terrorism to recover in the region again,” he stressed.

He also warned that a delay in implementing a bill passed by the Iraqi Parliament on the expulsion of foreign military forces would escalate tensions in the region.  

Stressing the need for cooperation and collective action to reduce regional tensions and hold constructive negotiations for the settlement of crises, Shamkhani said Iraq owes its current security and calm to the religious leadership, statesmen, and the military forces, including the popular resistance groups.

For his part, the visiting foreign minister briefed Shamkhani on the latest political and security developments in Iraq.

Hussein also highlighted Iraq’s efforts to ensure security and stability as the basis for economic development and welfare.

Pointing to the agreements on the repayment of Iraq’s debts to Iran -impeded by the foreign sanctions- the foreign minister said the Iraqi and Iranian banking and financial sectors have removed a series of obstacles and the process of settling the debts will soon begin with a new model agreed upon by the two sides.

Fuad Hussein has visited Iran one day after the US warplanes conducted airstrikes on areas in Syria’s eastern province of Deir Ez-Zur near the Syrian-Iraqi borders, killing and injuring a number of Iraqi forces.

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