Sanctions Comparable to War Crimes: Iran’s UN Envoy

Sanctions Comparable to War Crimes: Iran’s UN Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's ambassador to the UN said the devastating and long-term consequences of the illegal sanctions on the Islamic Republic are as brutal and vicious as terrorism, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“In order to combat food insecurity in the world, it is necessary to lift siege and sanctions and foster international cooperation,” Majid Takht Ravanchi said in an online meeting of the UN Security Council, held on Thursday to discuss how conflict and food security are interlinked.

“The current number of people at risk of hunger and food insecurity in the world are alarming, which has made it essential and urgent to deal with this challenge,” he added, Press TV reported.

He then emphasized that the right to food is the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger and malnutrition under any circumstances, whether in peace or war.

The Iranian ambassador also stressed that full realization of such a right requires a comprehensive approach and effective measures, both at national and international levels, which would particularly address all root causes of food insecurity and ensure secure international cooperation.

Takht Ravanchi also underlined the need for closer cooperation among the General Assembly, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), as well as the relevant institutions and agencies of the world body to that goal.

“To combat the acute food insecurity caused by conflicts, the Security Council needs to oblige all parties to adhere to these principles, and at the same time the Council itself must not, under any circumstances, boycott humanitarian trade, especially food and medicine,” he said.

“Nothing is more urgent than the immediate lifting of the inhumane siege against the Yemeni people, and removal of the illegal blockade of Gaza,” the envoy stated.

He also referred to sanctions as a main reason behind food insecurity, noting that the US anti-Iran bans have prevented Tehran from gaining access to food, medicine as well as medical equipment, and undermined the Islamic Republic’s ability to effectively deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

“Countries should not use economic and political coercive tools to put pressure on other governments; and immediate removal of sanctions should be taken into consideration as a key step in tackling food insecurity,” he said.


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