Causing Delay in Removal of Sanctions Treason against Iran: Rouhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – President of Iran Hassan Rouhani slammed any intentional move causing delay in lifting the sanctions as treason against the Iranian nation.

Speaking to reporters after a cabinet session on Wednesday, Rouhani said causing procrastination in the removal of sanctions would be tantamount to treachery against Iran.

Any party, individual or group intending to delay the termination of the sanctions even for an hour is a betrayer and will carry the shame of treason forever, he added.

The president also noted that his administration knows how to have the sanctions on Iran terminated, stressing that Iranians have a right to have access to trade, financial and banking services.

“Today the conditions are more prepared than ever for the breaking of sanctions,” Rouhani said, pointing to the US administration’s acknowledgement of the failure of policy of maximum pressure and the fact that its predecessor had taken a wrong path.

The US administration has announced it wants to return to commitments and the JCPOA, though the words are not enough and Iran is waiting for action, Rouhani underlined.

US President Joe Biden, one of whose campaign pledges was the US’ return to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, has refused to lift the anti-Iranian sanctions imposed by his predecessor and has even set conditions for rejoining the deal that Donald Trump scrapped in 2018.

In remarks in February, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said Iran has had enough of empty promises about the nuclear deal, demanding practical action on fulfillment of the JCPOA by the other parties.