Putin Won’t Let US Speak with Russia from Position of Force: Kremlin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia won’t let the US or any other country speak with it "from the position of force," Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

"The Americans keep repeating like a mantra: we will speak with everyone from the position of force. Neither (Russian President Vladimir Putin) nor anyone else in the Russian leadership will let the Americans or someone else talk to us like this. This is ruled out," Peskov said in an interview with Argumenty i Fakty newspaper published on Tuesday, TASS reported.

Speaking on whether it was possible to sever diplomatic ties with Washington, Peskov noted that he did not want to speak about "extreme scenarios."

Commenting on the move to invite Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov to Moscow for consultations, the Kremlin spokesman noted that it was about reviewing Russia-US relations under the new US administration. According to Peskov, there still are issues that Russia and the United States can discuss, including "strategic stability, arms control and efforts to resolve regional conflicts." In particular, in his words, there is a need to discuss the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran’s nuclear program "and other global problems."

US President Joe Biden earlier said in an interview with ABC News that the Russian authorities would have to "pay a price" for their alleged interference in US elections. In addition, when asked if he considered Putin to be "a killer," Biden answered in the affirmative. The White House and the US Department of State later said, however, that Washington planned to maintain cooperation with Moscow in areas of mutual interest. The Russian ambassador to the US was invited to Moscow for consultations following these statements.