Kremlin Castigates Biden’s ‘Very Bad’ Remarks about Putin

Kremlin Castigates Biden’s ‘Very Bad’ Remarks about Putin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US President Joe Biden's remarks about Russian President Vladimir Putin can be described as "very bad," Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday.

"I would refrain from giving a wordy comment on that. I will say one thing: these are very bad remarks on the part of the US president," Peskov said, when asked about the Kremlin's reaction to Biden's remark, TASS reported.

The remarks made by Biden in an interview with ABC have become a milestone in relations between the two countries, according to Peskov.

"Of course, nothing like that has ever happened before," he said.

When asked whether Moscow will take any steps in response, the Kremlin spokesman noted that "there is nothing to be done."

Responding to the question how such statements could affect bilateral relations, Peskov said that "it is perfectly clear how." However, he refrained from commenting on the issue in more detail.

Biden said earlier in an interview with ABC News that the Russian authorities would have to "pay a price" for their alleged interference in US elections. In addition, when asked if he considered Putin to be "a killer," Biden answered in the affirmative.

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