JCPOA Joint Commission to Discuss Possible US Return in Online Session

JCPOA Joint Commission to Discuss Possible US Return in Online Session

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is going to discuss the prospect of a possible return of the US to the nuclear deal in a videoconference on Friday, the European Union External Action Service announced.

A meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission will take place virtually on April 2, the EEAS said in a press release on Thursday.

The Joint Commission will be chaired on behalf of EU High Representative Josep Borrell by the Deputy Secretary General and Political Director of the European External Action Service Enrique Mora.

It will be attended by representatives of Iran, China, Russia, France, Germany, and the UK.

Participants are going to discuss the prospect of a possible return of the United States to the JCPOA and how to ensure the full and effective implementation of the agreement by all sides, the statement added.

The JCPOA was signed in 2015 between Iran and the Group (5+1) and endorsed by the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

However, US President Donald Trump unilaterally pulled Washington out of the nuclear deal in May 2018 and reinstated the anti-Iranian sanctions that had been lifted by the deal.

As the remaining European parties have failed to fulfill their commitments to the accord and compensate for Washington’s absence, Iran moved in May 2019 to scale back its JCPOA commitments.

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