Boycott Campaign against UAE over Israeli Normalization Gaining Momentum

Boycott Campaign against UAE over Israeli Normalization Gaining Momentum

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A boycott campaign targeting the United Arab Emirates for its move to normalize relations with Israel and undermining the cause of Palestine is starting to gather momentum around the world.

The campaign was originally launched last December, advising a boycott of Emirati products in protest at the normalization that took place four months ago. Back then, the initiative announced the hashtag #Boycott Emirati Products as its rallying point.

On Sunday, campaign organizers announced their intention to expand the drive across the world’s entire “Arab and Islamic nations.” They cited their success so far, which has motivated them to go global.

“This campaign has had strong reverberations and impacts in several areas,” the organizers said, naming Monday as the day, when the drive would reach farther fronts.

“To discipline the Emirati regime, tomorrow, God willing, we will launch a large campaign to boycott the UAE…Be with us!” they tweeted.

The UAE and Bahrain signed normalization deals with Israel in a ceremony hosted by former president Donald Trump at the White House last September. The event was joined by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Palestinians have condemned the accords as a stab in their back and a direct affront to their cause to liberate their lands from Israeli occupation.

The White House event was followed by an unprecedented secret trip by Netanyahu to Saudi Arabia, where he met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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