Iranian President Hails New Chapter of JCPOA Revival

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani highlighted a “united voice” calling for the implementation of the 2015 nuclear deal after the most recent meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission in Vienna.

Addressing a cabinet session on Wednesday, the president said a new chapter of revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is coming following the consensus in Vienna among all parties to the JCPOA.

“Today, a united voice is being heard, as all parties to the nuclear deal have come to the conclusion that there is no solution better than the JCPOA and there is no path except the full implementation of the JCPOA,” he added.

The president described the breakthrough as a major success for Iran, saying that a new chapter has begun since Tuesday.

Rouhani also stated that if the US expresses seriousness and sincerity, negotiations will be held with the Group 4+1 in a short time span, stressing that Washington can resume honoring the JCPOA even without negotiations.

The US admits explicitly that its policy of maximum pressure has ended in failure and would not work anymore, the Iranian president added.

The JCPOA Joint Commission held its 18th round of talks in Vienna on Tuesday, with representatives of Iran, Russia, China, France and the UK in attendance.

The US has been absent from the Commission and its discussions since 2018, when former American president Donald Trump took Washington out of the JCPOA and returned the sanctions that the nuclear accord had lifted.