Iran Urges S. Korea to Release Assets Immediately

Iran Urges S. Korea to Release Assets Immediately

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri called on South Korea to unblock Tehran’s frozen assets as soon as possible.

Chung Sye-Kyun became the first South Korean prime minister to visit Iran in more than four decades.

Speaking at a joint press conference with the visiting Korean premier in Tehran on Sunday, Jahangiri said, “The measure taken by South Korean banks to block Iran’s foreign exchange assets has marred the image of South Korea among the Iranian people.”

“We want the South Korean government to unblock Iran’s assets in the shortest time possible and make up for the problems it has caused in recent years,” the Iranian VP added.

“Unfortunately, during the past three years, South Korea has followed suit with US illegal sanctions against Iran, which lack any international legitimacy, as a result of which, relations between the two countries have become stagnant," Jahangiri said, Press TV reported.

“The decline in relations between Iran and South Korea took place at the time that there were no international sanctions, including the United Nations’ sanctions, against Iran,” he noted.

“The move by the South Korean banks to block Iran’s foreign resources took place at a time that the Iranian people are in dire need of them due to the coronavirus pandemic and its economic and health consequences. This measure by Koreans has deprived the Iranian government of major foreign exchange resources it needs to buy medical equipment, medicine and other essential goods for the country,” Jahangiri stated.

He also expressed hope that South Korea would take proper steps to improve its position in Iran, saying that the Iranian government is ready to help Seoul make up for its past mistakes if it takes “effective and tangible” steps in this regard.

For his part, the South Korean prime minister said Tehran and Seoul have agreed to work on ways to expand mutual relations and make decisions to boost cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19.

Chung added that South Korea will increase dispatch of humanitarian aid, including medicines and medical equipment, to Iran via the two countries’ working group, expressing hope that it would be useful for the Iranian people.

The two countries would also resume an academic program to exchange medical experts and hold professional training courses, which had previously played a leading role in boosting relations between the two nations, he noted

The South Korean prime minister noted that the two countries will make efforts to strengthen cooperation at a faster pace in parallel to their endeavor to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

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