Enemy Acknowledges Iran’s Might: IRGC Commander

Enemy Acknowledges Iran’s Might: IRGC Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami hailed Iran's advances so far in the area of military power, saying even the country’s enemies acknowledge the country’s military might.

Speaking in a televised interview on Wednesday night, General Salami referred to Iran’s drone power as an instance of the country’s growing power, saying the UAVs have come to challenge drone squadrons across the world.

The UAVs, he added, have turned into perfect replacements for manned aircraft today, whether in case of range, destructive power or precision.

Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great headways in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.

In February 2018, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei called for efforts to maintain and boost Iran’s defense capabilities, hitting back at the enemies for disputing the country’s missile program.

“Without a moment of hesitation, the country must move to acquire whatever is necessary for defense, even if the whole world is opposed to it,” the Leader said.

Elsewhere in his remarks on Wednesday, the IRGC commander says the recent string of monumental security disasters right inside the occupied territories shows the Israeli regime’s sheer vulnerability.

“Israel’s security bubble has burst,” Major General Hossein Salami added.

He said the image that the regime had portrayed of itself through psychological operation has been destroyed, adding, “Today, you can see the (real) face of the Zionist regime in its actual proportions.”

The commander also cited the back-to-back security incidents that the regime has been suffering over the past one to two months as cases in point that reflect its utter susceptibility.

The maritime incidents that have involved Israeli vessels, Salami said, showed how its trade, 90 percent of which goes through international waters, “can easily suffer serious obstruction.”

General Salami recalled the powerful blast that rocked an Israeli missile factory in the central part of the occupied territories in April and gave rise to a mushroom cloud “really resembling that of a nuclear explosion.” He mentioned the regime’s claim that the blast had been the result of a test, asking derisively how it had chosen a factory of all places to carry out the so-called test.

As if through a “domino effect,” the incident was ensued by an explosion at the Haifa Chemicals factory, the regime’s announcing that scores of its companies had come under cyber attack, another blast near Ben Gurion Airport, and killing of several Mossad operatives in northern Iraq, General Salami added.

On the political arena too, the regime is “facing disintegration” and could break apart from within, the commander said, citing its being forced to hold four elections without achieving political stability.

According to the general, the Israeli society is also breaking apart at the seams in light of the thousands-strong protest rallies that emerge every Saturday in the occupied territories.

“The Zionist system is breaking apart, faltering, and crumbling from within. Over the past year and a half, they tried to project a powerful image of themselves, namely inflate themselves like a balloon,” General Salami said. The balloon has, however, now burst and showed the extent of the regime’s damageability, he noted.

‘Israeli regime’s destruction may take only one operation’

The geographical contours of the territories occupied by the Israeli regime also leave it open to potential fatal blows, the commander said. “In some areas, the territories are (only) 14 kilometers in width. Therefore, a first blow can also be the last one,” he said.

“The Zionist regime’s biggest weak point is that whatever tactical measure on its part can also be a strategic defeat, meaning that the regime can be destroyed through just one operation,” General Salami elaborated.

Nor can the Americans come to their assistance, the commander said, “because the contiguity that used to be witnessed in the ranks of the world’s evil and arrogant actors is falling apart.”

New political phenomenon on the rise

The commander said as the “alignment of power” among those parties is falling in disarray, “we are faced with a new political phenomenon across the world and the region.”

The world’s big powers are suffering political decline and inaction both inside and outside this region, he noted.

“Great distances have fallen among them, and they are no longer capable of helping each other out…. Therefore, we are facing disparate political entities, each of which acts in line with its own interests,” the official said.

Apart from the US’s failure to help out Israel, the general referred to Washington’s inability to prevent Saudi Arabia’s defeat in the kingdom’s war on Yemen, as another instance of how the formerly uniform front had come apart.

US going through gradual exit from region

“America cannot prevent Saudi Arabia’s defeat in the face of Yemeni fighters, and will be forced to gradually leave the region,” General Salami stated.

He referenced the kingdom’s increasing failure in the face of Yemen’s defense forces, whose retaliatory strikes have been passing right through Riyadh’s American-made missile systems.

Incapable of its direct and indirect interventions of the past, the US has now been sidelined in the regional developments, he said, adding, “the US is going through gradual departure from the region.”

General Salami also cited Iraq’s determination to force the US troops out “through whatever means” as another indication of Washington’s pending expulsion from the region.

Iraqis staged millions-strong rallies last year after the US martyred senior Iranian and Iraqi anti-terror commanders, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. Soon after the assassinations, the Iraqi parliament passed a law, mandating withdrawal of all US-led forces.

Ever since, Iraqi resistance groups have also been staging numerous attacks against American interests on the Arab country’s soil.

Contrary to the enemies’ ranks, the resistance front is thriving throughout the region, from Yemen and Iraq to Lebanon, Syria, and Afghanistan, the IRGC commander stated.

“Therefore, today’s region is one in which the trend of the US’s security presence has been weakened…. Any foreign extra-regional force in the region is viewed as a foreign body here and has to leave the region sooner or later,” he remarked.

This is while, “the enemies used to think that the resistance front would be weakened after the martyrdom of General Soleimani,” who the IRGC chief identified as, a “great and courageous commander, whose eternal image has been engraved on all hearts.” General Salami further described the martyr as “the vanguard of liberation of al-Quds” from Israeli occupation and “the torch-bearer of the spirit of resistance across all Muslim territories.”

He hailed the “blistering power” that the IRGC Quds Force, which used to be commanded by General Soleimani, has provided the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance groups with.

The Quds Force also unified resistance fronts across the Muslim world in a way that the global arrogance cannot deploy its desired schemes in the region like it used to before, the commander specified.

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