Iran, Azerbaijan Enjoy Strategic Ties in All Fields: Presidential Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The chief of staff of the Iranian president said Tehran and Baku have managed to raise their relations to a strategic level in all arenas.

In a meeting with Azerbaijan’s Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev, held in Tehran on Sunday, Mahmoud Vaezi said the serious resolve of the Iranian and Azeri presidents has elevated the relations between the two neighbors to a strategic level in all fields.

He also stressed the need to carry out the agreements that the presidents of the two countries have signed in the past.

“Today, proper conditions have been prepared to make arrangements for the implementation of the (joint) projects that have been halted under the cruel US sanctions,” Vaezi added.

For his part, Mustafayev said the plans for stronger relations with Iran are top on the Republic of Azerbaijan’s foreign policy agenda.

The Azeri deputy prime minister also highlighted the great capacities for cooperation with Iran in the energy and industrial sectors, transportation, agriculture and the tourist industry.

Despite the obstacles to the international trade posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the trade exchanges between Azerbaijan and Iran rose by 27 percent after the pandemic, he noted.

Iran and the Azerbaijan Republic have accelerated efforts in recent years to forge closer partnership in various areas.

Azeri President Ilham Aliyev has made several official visits to Tehran over the past few years.

In a Friday message for his Azeri counterpart Ilham Aliyev, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani congratulated the “friend and brother” government and nation of Azerbaijan on the Republic Day, expressing confidence that the two neighbors will strengthen cooperation, promote political, economic and cultural ties, and deepen regional peace and stability on the basis of their rich cultures, common historical background, and mutual understanding.