India Records Below 100,000 COVID-19 Infections for Four Straight Days: Health Ministry

India Records Below 100,000 COVID-19 Infections for Four Straight Days: Health Ministry

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Indian authorities have registered 91,702 new cases of the coronavirus infection over the past 24 hours with the total number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic reaching 29,274,823.

As the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare reported on Friday on its website, the number of fatalities caused by the infection has increased by 3,403 over 24 hours, bringing the total count to 363,079, the Tass news agency reported.

The agency has been recording fewer than 100,000 new infections for four consecutive days: on Thursday, the agency reported 94,052 new coronavirus infections, on Wednesday — 92,596, and 86,498 new infections were reported on Tuesday.

Before that, since April 5, the daily number of infections has been surpassing 100,000, and since April 15 — 200,000. In May, this indicator surpassed 400,000 five times, with a record high of 414,188 documented on May 7.

Over the past 24 hours, 134,580 coronavirus patients have recovered with the total number of recoveries amounting to 27,790,073. The national recovery coefficient has increased to 94.93% of the total number of infections. At the beginning of the week, on June 7, this coefficient equaled 93.94% while on May 29 it was 90.8%, and it amounted to 81.77% on May 3.

As of Friday morning, 1,121,671 patients have been continuing treatment which is 46,281 less than the day before. According to the ministry, over the past 24 hours, 3,274,672 people have been vaccinated against the coronavirus infection with the total number of inoculations in the country reaching 246,085,649.


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