Consultations Ongoing to End War in Afghanistan, President Says

Consultations Ongoing to End War in Afghanistan, President Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said that consultations on a ceasefire between government forces and the Taliban are under way.

"Consultations are ongoing, and the results will be shared with you soon," he said in a televised address on Saturday.

The Afghan president stressed that it was essential to find a political solution that would guarantee lasting peace and stability, TASS reported.

According to Ghani, extensive consultations are being held with the government, political leaders and international partners.

He also said that the remobilization of the country's armed forces was a "top priority."

Ghani’s statements were made in the wake of the mass surrender of Afghan troops to advancing Taliban forces.

After the US announced the end of its military operation in Afghanistan and the beginning of troop withdrawal, the Taliban launched an offensive against government forces. According to various reports, its members control up to 85% of Afghanistan’s territory, including areas on the border with Iran, China, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. The Taliban have captured more than half of the country’s provincial capitals, including the city of Puli Alam, just 50 kilometers away from Kabul.

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