McCain Calls Biden’s Policy on Afghanistan ‘Absolutely Shameful’

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US President Joe Biden has come under criticism once more for his administration's "absolutely shameful" policy on Afghanistan, which has resulted in the resurgence of the Taliban militant group.

“This is an absolutely shameful moment for our country. Shame on this administration,” late Republican senator John McCain's daughter, Meghan, said on Saturday.

McCain, who is also a conservative TV commentator and author, retweeted another post on her Twitter account in which she had hammered the Biden administration "over the rushed, sloppy, disorganized" pullout of US troops from Afghanistan.

“Even if you thought leaving Afghanistan was the right decision -this is a reckless, dangerous, blundering, and embarrassing withdrawal,” the conservative commentator wrote.

“We left our translators, women, children, people who helped us for 20 years to be slaughtered & our president just called a lid until Wednesday,” she added.

In that tweet, the Biden administration was also criticized for leaving behind the local Afghan workforce who had served the US military as translators, drivers, and so on, as the Taliban recapture the whole country after a 20-year lapse caused by the fruitless US-led invasion and occupation.

Meanwhile, Congress Republicans blasted Biden for his "reckless policy" on the war-ravaged country which has resulted in the Taliban speedily capturing the country’s second-and third-largest cities and now pushing towards the capital city, Kabul.

Latest reports indicate that Kabul could fall into the hands of the Taliban in the next weeks, toppling the government.

The Pentagon said on Friday the Taliban’s speedy occupation of large swathes of Afghanistan was “deeply concerning”.

Despite the concerns over the ongoing violence and killings, Biden defended his decision to pull American troops from Afghanistan claiming that a Taliban takeover in Afghanistan was not “inevitable.”

Biden, however, also made reference to the US defeat in Vietnam, hinting that due to the Taliban advances the US embassy in Kabul might be forced to evacuate its employees over safety concerns.

“The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese Army. They're not remotely comparable in terms of capability,” Biden noted. “There's going to be no circumstances where you’re going to see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the United States from Afghanistan.”

Half the country’s 34 provincial capitals are already in Taliban hands as it closes in on Kabul.

The Taliban launched its offensive overtaking large areas of Afghanistan after the majority of US-led troops withdrew from the country following 20 years of nonstop war and violence across the country.