Colonial Powers after Devaluing Talents of Nations, Leader Warns

Colonial Powers after Devaluing Talents of Nations, Leader Warns

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei warned of a major part of the soft war launched by the colonial powers that seek to dissuade other nations, including Iran, from developing their talents and to make them ignore such capabilities.

A group of Iranian academic elites and top talents in science met with Ayatollah Khamenei on Wednesday.

After hearing the remarks made by the academic elites and scholars in the meeting, the Leader pointed to the destructive role that colonialism has always played in keeping nations back by trying to persuade them “to ignore their talents.”

“An important part of the colonizers’ soft warfare is causing nations to ignore their talents. They keep repeating to a nation that it cannot do anything until that nation itself denies its talents,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“When a nation becomes negligent of its capabilities, it becomes easy to plunder that nation,” the Leader warned, reported.

“There were great civilizations in Africa that were completely destroyed due to their neglect of their capabilities and due to the soft war the colonizers waged against them. In his memoirs, Nehru points to this fact and how the British destroyed the industry of self-reliant India,” the Leader noted.

“The momentum of our scientific growth should be such that in 50 years’ time, Iran will become a global source of science and other nations will feel the need to learn Persian to access new sciences. This was once the case; our scientists topped in science and this can happen again,” Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

Calling on the Iranian scientific community to aim at solving the nation’s issues, the Leader said, “The ruling body should get help from universities to solve the nation’s issues.”

Highlighting the role that artificial intelligence will play in managing the future of the world, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “This should be seriously taken into consideration. We should at least be among the top 10 countries of the world in this field.”


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