Canada Must be Held Accountable for Complicity in Israeli Crimes against Humanity: Iran

Canada Must be Held Accountable for Complicity in Israeli Crimes against Humanity: Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson said Canadian officials must be held accountable for complicity in the Israeli regime’s crimes against Palestinians and also a systemic policy of genocide against indigenous people of the North American country.

Saeed Khatibzadeh made the statements on Thursday in response to a draft resolution on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran proposed by Canada at the United Nations' Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural).

Khatibzadeh characterized it as a rehash of baseless claims based on incorrect information and dishonest generalization.

He went on to say that the majority of the votes in support of the draft resolution were given under political duress and threats.

He argued that Canada and others proposing the resolution are hooked to perpetuating failed defamation campaigns against Iran.

The initiative has already failed, according to the spokesperson.

Unfortunately, those who have a long history of violating human rights and selling weapons to occupying regimes have converted the topic of human rights into a political instrument, according to the spokesperson.

Such immoral and unacceptable actions will not assist to respect human rights or improve their status throughout the world; rather, they will feed the flames of negative clichés and political labels against nations, he said.

The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns the anti-Iran measure as it is a misuse of human rights to fulfill political motives, he stated.

Iran repeats its advice to Canadian officials that they have to stop cooperation with the US economic terrorism against the Iranian nation and stop being a host of the thieves of assets of the Iranian people, he said.

Protection of human rights is one of the basic pillars in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the country has cost a lot to support people's rights, Khatibzadeh stated.

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