Iran Raps Factitious Statement by US, EU3, PGCC

Iran Raps Factitious Statement by US, EU3, PGCC

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry denounced as factitious and illegitimate an anti-Iran statement issued by the US, the European troika and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council.

Asked by reporters about a statement from the self-proclaimed working group of the US, the European troika and the countries of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council on Iran, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh said, “This meeting and its statement are so fabricated, pretentious and illegitimate that they do not merit a response.”

He emphasized that the US government, as the violator of the UNSC Resolution 2231 and the party that withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and is responsible for the current situation, and as the only country with a history of using nuclear weapons, with a black record of numerous interventions in the domestic affairs of different countries, and the main seller of weapons and ammunition to different parts of the world, is once again trying to create a crisis and campaign against Iran, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

“Countries that must be held accountable for their adventures and aggressions in the region, including the seven-year aggression again Yemen, cannot make baseless accusations against others and absolve themselves of responsibility for these crimes and divert public opinion,” Khatibzadeh added.

In a statement issued on Thursday following a meeting in Riyadh, the US' point man on Iran, Robert Malley, the European envoys, and officials from the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council repeated Iranophobic remarks concerning Tehran's nuclear work and its regional influence.

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