Azerbaijan to Extradite 21 Iranian Inmates: Envoy

Azerbaijan to Extradite 21 Iranian Inmates: Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s ambassador to Baku unveiled plans for the extradition of 21 Iranian prisoners, including three women, from the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Abbas Mousavi said on Wednesday that 21 Iranian nationals serving prison terms in Azerbaijan will be transferred to their homeland in the coming days.

He described the extradition plan as a result of the recent “fruitful visit” of Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian to Baku.

The ambassador said three of the convicts are women, after whose extradition to Iran no more Iranian women will be in the prisons of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In recent years, Iran and Azerbaijan have extradited a number of prisoners on several occasions as a sign of close diplomatic relations between the two neighboring countries.

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