Idlib Terrorists Still Destabilizing Syria: Moscow

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Siromolotov said the presence of militants in Idlib and the remnants of Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) and al-Qaeda terror cells in Syria constitute a source of instability, adding that the anti-terrorist operation is still ongoing.

"We look positively at the fact that in 2021 the Russian armed forces, in close cooperation with the armed forces of the Syrian Arab Republic, continued to consolidate their successes in countering the activities of Daesh on the territory of this country," Siromolotov said in a press statement on Wednesday, according to Ria Novosty.

"As a result, the capabilities of this group (Daesh) have been significantly weakened, its forces and means have been eliminated, its organizational structure has been destroyed, and its resources have been reduced," he continued.

On the other hand, Siromolotov noted that extremist groups in Idlib are still a major destabilizing factor.

"The main destabilizing factors are the survival of extremist groups in the Idlib de-escalation zone, and the presence of Daesh and al-Qaeda cells," he continued.

The Syrian army has been fighting against foreign-backed terrorist groups, which have been wreaking havoc on the country since 2011.

Syrian soldiers, backed by the Russian air force and Iranian military advisers, have managed to win back control of almost all regions from Takfiri militants.