Enemy Aware of Iran’s Naval Power: Commander

Enemy Aware of Iran’s Naval Power: Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Deputy Chief of Iran's Army for Coordination Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari highlighted the country’s naval power, saying the enemy is aware of this might.

Today the enemy maintains its distance from the Iranian Navy, which means it knows Iran’s naval power, the senior army official said at a ceremony held in the port city of Bandar Abbas on Thursday to see off the Iranian Navy’s 80th flotilla of worships.

He cited the Navy’s presence in the Gulf of Aden and northern Indian Ocean and its role in ensuring security in those seas as another sign of the country’s naval power.

Rear Admiral Sayyari also referred to a recent naval exercise held jointly with Russia and China in the northern parts of the Indian Ocean and said its shows that Moscow and Beijing know the capabilities of the Iranian Navy and consider Iran as a naval power.

Iran, Russia, and China, began the 2022 Marine Security Belt naval drills in the northern Indian Ocean on Friday.

Various tactical maneuvers take place during the exercises, including actions to rescue a ship on fire, release a hijacked ship and hit naval targets during the day and at night, according to spokesman for the drills Rear Admiral Mostafa Tajoddini.

They involved forces from the marine and airborne units of the Iranian Navy, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy, and flotillas from China and Russia.

The drills were aimed at deepening practical cooperation among the navies of the three countries, according to China’s Defense Ministry.

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