Three Issues Still Unresolved in Vienna Talks on JCPOA Revival: Source

Three Issues Still Unresolved in Vienna Talks on JCPOA Revival: Source

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – There are still at least three outstanding issues that have to be resolved before the Vienna negotiations on the revival of the 2015 Iran nuclear and the removal of sanctions can lead to an agreement, a source said.

The informed source told Tasnim that three or four main and minor issues have not yet been settled in the talks.

The source added that steps have been taken in the area of verification but regarding the issue of guarantees, especially regarding the lifting of the sanctions, there are still issues on the table that need actions by the Western side.

Despite initiatives taken by Iran previously, the US has deferred such issues since the beginning of the talks and is not willing to resolve them and return to its commitments, the source stated.

The source went on to say that Iran, as previously stated, has shown flexibilities before and the ball is now the court of the West, especially the US, to make the necessary decisions.  

The Vienna discussions between Iran and the other parties to the Iran deal began in April on the assumption that the US, under the administration of Joe Biden, would be willing to rejoin the JCPOA.

Former US president Donald Trump abandoned the JCPOA in May 2018 in pursuit of illegal “maximum pressure” sanctions against Iran.

The Vienna talks are reportedly in their “final stages,” as the participating countries intensify their efforts to narrow the remaining gaps.

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