Bulgaria Voices Support for Deal in JCPOA Talks

Bulgaria Voices Support for Deal in JCPOA Talks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Bulgarian official voiced her country’s support for the diplomatic efforts to strike an ultimate deal in the Vienna talks on the revival of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, saying such efforts would serve the interests of all parties.

In a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in Tehran on Sunday, Bulgaria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Velislava Petrova said she has held constructive talks with her Iranian counterpart.

She said a number of agreements have been reached to expand the trade, cultural and sports cooperation between Bulgaria and Iran.

Petrova also noted that the diplomatic efforts to reach an agreement in the Vienna nuclear talks will serve the interests of all sides.

For his part, Amirabdollahian hailed an increase in the trade exchanges between Iran and Bulgarian over the past year, but said it was not commensurate with the economic possibilities of the two countries.

Referring to the areas of cooperation in the fields of energy and transportation of goods and foodstuffs, the foreign minister underlined the need to accelerate efforts to expand trade cooperation.

He also spoke about the important regional issues, especially the Ukraine crisis, expressing hope that the Ukraine war would come to an end as swiftly as possible.

The sanctions removal talks and also Iran’s determination to reach a good deal in Vienna were among the other issues discussed in the meeting.

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