Iran-Nigeria Joint Commission to Convene in Tehran

Iran-Nigeria Joint Commission to Convene in Tehran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The sixth session of Iran-Nigeria Joint Commission will be held in Tehran next week, with senior officials of the two countries scheduled to sign economic and trade agreements.

The meetings of the commission will be held in Tehran from June 6 to 10. Around 40 Nigerian officials from various ministries, departments and agencies are planned to take part in the event.

What follows is a press release issued by the embassy of Nigeria in Tehran about details of the upcoming meeting:

“The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in Tehran wishes to inform that the 6th session of the Nigeria-Iran Joint Commission is scheduled to hold from 6th-10th June, 2022, in Tehran, Iran. The Nigerian delegation will be led by H.E. Ambassador Zubairu Dada, Honorable Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. It is expected that about 40 Nigerian officials from various Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) will participate at the Joint Commission.

The diplomatic relations between Nigeria and Iran dates back to 1976 when the two countries opened diplomatic missions in their respective host capitals. The state of relations between Nigeria and Iran is very cordial. The two countries have been cooperating very well at bilateral and international fora with high level visits and other forms of diplomatic engagements.

It is noteworthy that despite the cordial diplomatic relations between the two countries, there has been very little meaningful economic and commercial interaction between Iran and Nigeria. It is the desire of the two countries to have a robust economic relation that informed the decision to establish Nigeria-Iran Joint Commission, a veritable platform that can allow the two regional powers to tap and exploit the abundant resources and potentials existing in the two countries. The 6th session of Nigeria-Iran Joint Commission is slated to hold in Tehran from 6th - 10th June, 2022, where a number of agreements/MoUs covering trade and investments, bilateral air services agreement and agriculture, amongst others, are expected to be signed.”

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