FM Calls for Developing A Roadmap for Promoting Strategic Ties between Iran, India

FM Calls for Developing A Roadmap for Promoting Strategic Ties between Iran, India

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian underlined the necessity of coming up with a roadmap to promote comprehensive and vast strategic ties between Tehran and New Delhi.

He held two rounds of talks with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Wednesday as he continued his meetings with India’s high-ranking officials in New Delhi.

In the meetings, a broad range of issues of mutual interest between the two countries in strategic, political, economic and cultural spheres were discussed.

Amirabdollahian pointed to the fact that the economies of Iran and India complement each other and also to the existence of the huge potential for expansion of trade and economic relations between the two countries.

He said preparing a roadmap for strategic cooperation can regulate long-term bilateral ties and protect the relations from detrimental factors.

Expansion of regional cooperation and the two countries’ efforts to heed peace and stability in Afghanistan were among the issues the two top diplomats discussed, the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

They underscored the need to help Afghanistan pass through the current economic hardships. They also noted that the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan is the most important approach to persuading all ethnic groups and factions of Afghanistan to play a role in deciding their country’s fate.

The Indian foreign minister said Amirabdollahian’s visit to India was important for pursuing existing issues in bilateral ties. Jaishankar underlined the necessity of holding the meeting of the joint economic commission as soon as possible and to give momentum to economic and trade cooperation between Tehran and New Delhi.

The top Indian diplomat in other comments also spoke about the need to give momentum to cooperation in expanding Chabahar Port and other transit routes and common regional corridors.

The two foreign ministers also underscored the continuation of consultations between Indian and Iranian officials at different levels to provide a roadmap for strategic cooperation.

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