Iran Monitoring All Hostile Moves: Top General

Iran Monitoring All Hostile Moves: Top General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri hailed the perfect security conditions along the country’s western borders, saying the Iranian military forces monitor all moves of the enemies constantly.

Speaking to reporters during a visit to the western province of Kurdistan on Sunday, Major General Baqeri highlighted the excellent security conditions across Iran and in Kurdistan Province, saying sustainable security prevails along the western boundaries without any problem.

Pointing to rare and sporadic mischievous measures by the enemies, the top general said the Iranian armed forces serving in the IRGC, the Army and the Border Police are acting uninterruptedly to monitor the hostile moves on the ground and in the air.

The general said he has visited Kurdistan Province to get updated on the activities of the armed units, regional security and border situation in the province.

Back in April, Major General Baqeri said all Iranian military forces are ready to give a decisive and crushing response to any threat at any level in such a way that the enemies of Iran would regret taking hostile action against the Islamic establishment.

In comments in December 2021, President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi cautioned the enemies that any bellicose move will draw such a decisive response from the Iranian military forces that it will bring about a significant change in strategic equations.

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