Proposed Text on JCPOA Revival Made Stronger, Clearer: Iranian Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has modified the text of the proposal put forward by the EU coordinator for the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal by making it more transparent and stronger in order to prevent potential misinterpretations in future, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry said.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference on Monday, Nasser Kanaani said Iran has given its reply to the response from the US on the proposals for reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and lifting the sanctions on Tehran.

He said Iran’s response had two purposes in context, noting, “First, we tried to disambiguate the clauses received via the European coordinator and tried to make the text transparent and present a stronger text. This was done with the purpose of stabilizing the potential future agreement.”

The spokesman noted that the clarity of the agreement will prevent possible misinterpretations that may impede the implementation of the deal in future.

Without a robust framework for the guarantees, an undesirable happening in regard to the deal could come at any moment, Kanaani stated, pointing to the breach of the JCPOA by the US in the past.

“The issue of guarantees has two aspects, one of which is the guarantee of termination of sanctions in such a way that Iran will fully enjoy the economic benefits of the JCPOA. The other subject is the nuclear issue and keeping the (International Atomic Energy) Agency away from political approaches and games,” he added.

Despite Iran's full compliance with the agreement, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the historic agreement in 2018 and re-imposed crippling sanctions as part of the so-called "maximum pressure" campaign.

Numerous rounds of negotiations between the signatories to the JCPOA have taken place in the Austrian capital since last year in order to explore the possibility of the agreement's revival and the lifting of the unjustified economic sanctions.

The persistent refusal of Washington to abide by Iran's red lines has caused numerous interruptions in the negotiations.

The European Union recently developed a draft proposal to resurrect the agreement, serving as the coordinator in the indirect negotiations between Tehran and Washington. The bloc accepted Tehran's response, which it deemed to be "reasonable."

It took the United States several weeks to respond to Iran's remarks.