No US Visas Issued to Russian Delegation to UN General Assembly Yet: Diplomat

No US Visas Issued to Russian Delegation to UN General Assembly Yet: Diplomat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – So far, no US visas have been issued to Russia’s delegation assigned to the High-Level Week of the UN General Assembly later this month, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya has told reporters.

"We don’t have UNGA visas yet, there is still time," Nebenzya said. "We hope that our American hosts will be reasonable about it."

"But we have some troubling signals. We have not received visas for our delegation, including the minister of the interior, to the police summit, to other conferences, [for example] on cybersecurity," the Russian envoy added, TASS reported.

Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday, asking him to discuss with Washington the issuance of US visas for the Russian delegates assigned to the UN General Assembly in September.

The High-Level Week of the UN General Assembly, traditionally attended by heads of states and ministers, will be held on September 20-28. According to the tentative schedule of the event, the Russian minister is to deliver his speech on September 24.

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