Lebanese Minister Calls Israel Root Cause of Insecurity, Instability across Region

Lebanese Minister Calls Israel Root Cause of Insecurity, Instability across Region

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Lebanese interim minister of foreign affairs and emigration, Abdallah Bou Habib, said that Israel is the main source of insecurity and instability across the Middle East.

Bou Habib made the remarks at the foreign ministerial level of the 158th regular session of the Arab League Council in Cairo, Egypt.

He said that Israeli incursions and other aggressions against Lebanon's sovereignty occur virtually daily. In the absence of a dissuasive regional or external force, the regime continues its aggressive and tense-inducing hostile policies and breaches Lebanese airspace to attack targets within Syria, he said.

“Israel still refuses to withdraw from occupied Lebanese territories of Kfarchouba and Ghajar under the United Nations Security Council resolutions 425 and 1701,” the Lebanese foreign minister said, arguing that the international community’s silence and inaction have emboldened the regime to further infringe upon Lebanon’s sovereignty.

Bou Habib added, “Israel also continues its hostile policies against Palestinians in the occupied lands, with an intent to abort any initiative aimed at the final resolution of the Palestinian issue. This clearly shows that the Zionist regime is the root cause of insecurity and instability in the region.”

The Lebanese foreign minister underscored the importance of unity among all Palestinian groups and factions.

Bou Habib also pointed out that Syria is a founding member of the Arab League, and that efforts must be made for the war-battered country to restore its seat in the regional organization.

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