EU Should Avoid Past Mistakes or Accept Consequences: IRGC Chief

EU Should Avoid Past Mistakes or Accept Consequences: IRGC Chief

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps warned the Europeans that they will have to suffer the consequences of repeating their past mistakes after the European Parliament passed a resolution to designate the IRGC as a “terrorist organization”.

In comments after a meeting with the speaker of the Iranian parliament on Saturday, Major General Hossein Salami advised the European states to avoid repeating past mistakes.

His comments came after the members of the European Parliament passed a resolution on Thursday calling on the European Council and the EU member states to add the IRGC and its subsidiary forces, including the Basij and the IRGC Quds Force, to the EU “terrorist list”.

The IRGC commander reminded the European governments that if they make a mistake again, they will have to accept the consequences.

“Europe has not learned lessons from its past mistakes and thinks that it can undermine the magnificent IRGC, which is empowered by faith, trust, strength and determination, with such statements,” he stated.

Major General Salami underlined that Europe owes its security today to the IRGC, because if it were not for the endeavors made by the IRGC, particularly the IRGC Quds Force and late commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, the scourge of terrorism created by the US would have engulfed Europeans.

Without the role of the IRGC, terrorism could have plagued the entire Europe, but the Europeans and Americans are used to replacing the executioner with martyr and the oppressor with the oppressed, the commander added.

The recent move by the European Parliament has been strongly condemned by Iranian officials, commanders, and armed forces.

The Iranian parliament passed a law in April 2019 designating American forces in West Asia, known as the United States Central Command (CENTCOM), as a terrorist organization. The move was made in response to the US blacklisting of the IRGC.

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