Iran Renews Call for Peaceful Solution to Ukraine War

Iran Renews Call for Peaceful Solution to Ukraine War

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran expressed sorrow at the human and material losses in Ukraine one year after the eruption of war, stressing the need for the international community to reinforce efforts at an immediate peaceful settlement of the crisis through diplomacy.

What follows is the text of the statement released by the Iranian Foreign Ministry on the first anniversary of the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine:

In the name of God, the Companionate, the Merciful

The Islamic Republic of Iran reiterates its past positions on the Ukraine Crisis, in particular those expressed in its document of 19 October 2022 in New York. As a country, that has been the victim of war, threat and unilateral sanctions by the United States and the West, the principle position of the Islamic Republic of Iran is respect for the Charter of the United Nations and international law, including non-use of force or threat to force, territorial integrity and sovereign equality. Iran denounces war and unilateral sanctions and its absolute preference is for dialogue and diplomacy in dispute settlement between states.

In particular, the Islamic Republic of Iran condemns the Cold War era hegemonic mentality and unilateralism by the United States and certain other western countries, through national policies and regional arrangements (e.g. NATO), which has been one of the main root cause of many crisis in the world, including the ongoing one in Ukraine.

After one year of military conflict in Ukraine, which has caused human and material losses to the parties to the conflict and has had harmful consequences for the world, the international community needs to reinforce its efforts on an immediate peaceful settlement of this crisis through diplomacy.

The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is expressing its respect for both nations of Ukraine and Russia and mentioning Iran's long-standing relations with both countries and once again, is conveying its deep regret for the continuation of the conflict and war and is reaffirming its neutral position.

The time is for genuine diplomacy to be activated now in order to end the conflict and all unilateral actions rather than advertising and fueling the war, as well as accusing of others baselessly and insisting on unilateral measures.

In this respect, the Islamic Republic of Iran supports the China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis dated 24 February 2023. Iran believes that the elements reflected in this document are enough for commencing negotiations for a mutually agreed framework for terminating the military activities in Ukraine, stopping unilateral measures and restoring the situation in accordance with the principles of Charter of the United Nations.

Iran is also ready to contribute to peaceful settlement of the crisis, as appropriate, aiming at an early termination of the military activities as well as any arrangement that could alleviate the humanitarian grieve.

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