Air Defense to Practice Shielding Iran’s Nuclear Sites in Drill

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – During the main stage of a large-scale military exercise at nighttime, the Iranian air defense forces are going to employ tactics to protect the country’s sensitive nuclear and military sites, a commander said on Monday.

The commander of the Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base -the central headquarters of Iran’s Air Defense- said on Monday that the main stage of the 'Guardians of Velayat Sky-1401' joint war game will be staged tonight.

General Qader Rahimzadeh said the exercise will begin at midnight, covering two-thirds of the Iranian airspace over an area of more than one million square kilometers.

He noted that the Air Force will fly over 100 manned and pilotless aircraft to simulate a hostile air strike against sensitive military and nuclear sites, such as the Fordow nuclear facility, during which the performance of the air defense systems will be assessed.

Most air defense equipment and gear used in the war game are homegrown products manufactured by the Defense Ministry and domestic knowledge-based companies, the commander added.

The general also unveiled plans to display a series of air defense systems that are kept in subterranean tunnels, are raised above the ground when needed, and return to the former position afterwards.

In remarks in September 2018, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei described the air defense base as a very crucial part of the Armed Forces that is at the frontline of confronting enemies of Iran.

The Leader also stressed the importance of accelerating the capabilities of the base and the Air Forces' staff.