IAEA Chief Frustrated at Iran Reports Being Leaked

IAEA Chief Frustrated at Iran Reports Being Leaked

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi said he gets frustrated when confidential reports on Iran’s nuclear program are leaked to the press before being officially released.

Grossi made the remarks in Tehran on Saturday, in a joint news conference with head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Mohammad Eslami who urged the IAEA to help build trust.

Grossi also stated that any military attack on nuclear facilities is outlawed, responding to US and Israeli threats to target those in Iran.

The Biden administration has drawn closer to Israel in recent weeks, conducting large-scale joint military exercises with the regime.

Last month, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said "all options are on the table" against Iran and that "Israel can and should do whatever they need to deal with, and we’ve got their back.”

“There are two separate issues in this regard. First, attacks on nuclear power plants have unfortunately become common, and this is due to the war in Ukraine. Second, these attacks have been condemned during the Agency's public conferences. So I think that the attack on nuclear facilities is totally condemned and illegal,” Grossi said, Press TV reported.

He is visiting Tehran after Western reports claimed that IAEA inspectors had found 84% enriched uranium in Iran - an allegation Tehran has rejected. 

Grossi said he had "constructive discussions" with Iranian officials that could pave the way for the revival of a landmark 2015 agreement to bring the US back to compliance and remove sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

"By constructive discussions that we are having now, and by good agreements, I'm sure we are going to be paving the way for important agreements," he said.

Eslami called on the UN nuclear agency to fulfill its duties towards Iran within the framework of the Safeguards Agreement and avoid being swayed by those who aim to hinder cooperation between the two sides.

"The recent visit by Mr. Grossi, which started yesterday, is a message to establish communications and relations between Iran and the (International Atomic Energy) Agency. Communications and reports must build trust," Eslami said.

“We must be able to resolve issues in a trustful manner and prevent the entry and penetration of the elements and agents whose purpose is to disrupt a normal and professional relationship,” he added.

Eslami called on the IAEA to prepare for a sort of interaction, by which the agency "can always maintain its duties toward Iran's nuclear program within the framework of the Safeguards Agreement”.

He touched on Iran's scientific research and nuclear technology capabilities, saying the country is ready to share its achievements with other countries.

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