Iran Takes Part in 30th Expomed Eurasia 2023 in Turkey

Iran Takes Part in 30th Expomed Eurasia 2023 in Turkey

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The 30th edition of the Health, Medical and Medical Equipment Fair (Expomed Eurasia) and 16th Oil & Gas Trade Show that kicked off in the Turkish city of Istanbul on March 16 will conclude today.

According to the Iranian Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, the two events were held with the active particiaption of the Iranian Fund to Support the Advanced Industries of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade.

Some 430 companies from 14 countries took part in these prestigious exhibitions in Istanbul.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has established two pavilions at the exhibition, Vatandoost, a member of the Board of Directors and Technical Manager of the Industry Ministry’s Fund to Support Advanced Industries said.

The Fund to Support Research and Development of Advanced Industries along with the companies active in the medical and oil industries are present in the exhibitions, showcasing their latest achievements, he stated. 

Iran enjoys a high capacity to export its products to the Central Asian states, Persian Gulf littoral states and other countries, Vatandoost added.

Signing contracts with regional and extra-regional countries as well as introduction of Iran’s capabilities in the field of knowledge-based and advanced industries are among the objectives of the Iranian companies' participation in this exhibition.

ExpomedEurasia is the biggest fair in Turkey and Eurasia where medical devices, equipment and technologies are showcased and the latest medical trends and scientific events can be tracked.

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