IAEA Chief Actively Involved in Consultations with JCPOA Parties to Resume Vienna Talks

IAEA Chief Actively Involved in Consultations with JCPOA Parties to Resume Vienna Talks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi reported progress towards reaching an agreement with Iran on protocol issues, adding that he is actively involved in consultations with the JCPOA parties to resume the Vienna negotiations.

Speaking at the Think Tank of the Council for Foreign Relations, Grossi acknowledged that progress seems to be made towards reaching an agreement with Iran, but cautioned that they must wait and see if this assumption holds true.

He cited the unilateral exit of the US from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and Iran's moves to keep it alive, stating that the 2015 agreement has become an empty shell.

Despite this, Grossi made it clear that the IAEA observers are present in Iran to supervise the country's nuclear program, ensuring that any agreements reached in the Vienna negotiations can be verified.

He said that he has been actively involved in consultations with all involved sides in the JCPOA to contribute to the resumption of the Vienna negotiations for a new agreement.

Two weeks ago, the IAEA and the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran reached agreements toward resolving protocol issues during Grossi's two-day visit to Tehran, allowing IAEA observers to increase their supervision activities voluntarily.

The method of implementing this agreement was supposed to be clarified in bilateral meetings. Grossi's involvement in the resumption of Vienna negotiations gives hope for the establishment of a new agreement.

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