Iran Army Chief: Israel Too Small to Pose A Threat

Iran Army Chief: Israel Too Small to Pose A Threat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Deriding the notion that the Zionist regime could attack Iran without US support, Iranian Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi said the Israeli regime is too small to be considered even a threat to the Islamic Republic.

In remarks on Monday, the Iranian Army commander dismissed the recent comments from the chief of staff of Israeli military forces Herzi Halevi about the regime’s readiness to attack Iran even without support from the US.

“We are ready to act against Iran. The Israeli army has the ability to strike both in distant countries and near home,” Halevi claimed on Wednesday.

In response to the comments, Major General Mousavi said such remarks were meant to “raise the morale of (Israeli) military forces and fix the internal problems of the (Zionist) regime.

“The Zionist regime which is drowning and whose signs of collapse have become clearer than ever is too small to be considered a threat to the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the Army chief added.

He also warned the Zionist leaders that their ill-advised and reckless measures would only expedite the process of the Israeli regime’s downfall.

Whoever has a basic knowledge of the military capabilities of the two sides would realize that the Zionist regime’s power might be comparable in size to the updated scale of one of the many military operations that Iran performed during eight years of war in the 1980s, the general concluded.

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