Resistance Sole Way to Palestine’s Victory: Qalibaf

Resistance Sole Way to Palestine’s Victory: Qalibaf

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Highlighting the Israeli regime’s failure to consign the issue of Palestine into oblivion, Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf emphasized that resistance is the only way to achieve success and ultimate victory against the Zionist regime.

Qalibaf on Friday delivered a speech to the demonstrators in Tehran marking the annual International Quds Day in support of Palestine and in condemnation of the Zionist regime’s atrocities.

“The Quds Day is a very significant and influential day for the Islamic Ummah and the Muslim countries. The Quds Day indicated that success and victory are achieved only through resistance,” he said.

Qalibaf added that the arrogance front, including the US and the Zionists, had plans to consign the issue of Palestine into oblivion with the help of Daesh (ISIL) terrorists, but the resistance front foiled such plot as the whole resistance forces rushed to protect the Islamic territories and defeated the ISIL.

“The issue of Palestine is still alive. Even in the sports events, like the FIFA World Cup, we saw supports for Palestine and the cause of Palestine. This support is not confined to the Muslims, but is backed by all freedom-seeking people across the world,” Qalibaf noted.

Lauding Palestine’s advances and the use of missiles in the battle against the Zionist regime, the Iranian speaker said all Palestinian groups have closed ranks to free holy al-Quds, which he described as the capital of the Muslim world.

He also stated that the Israeli regime’s attempts to normalize ties with Muslims and force them to concede defeat have backfired, as Islam has achieved glory and dignity.

Qalibaf finally noted that the Zionist regime, known as the enemy number one of Islam and humanity, made vain attempts to portray Iran and the resistance front as a threat to the Islamic countries, but the conspiracy has ended in failure.

Millions of fasting Iranian people from different walks of life poured into the streets on Friday to join the demonstrations in support of Palestinians, who have been suffering from Israel’s atrocities for decades.

Each year, the International Quds Day is celebrated on the last Friday of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

The event’s raison d'être is renewing support for the Palestinians and denunciation of Israel.

The day is also seen as the legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, who officially declared the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day back in 1979.

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