Resistance to Celebrate Victory during Iranian President’s Syria Visit

Resistance to Celebrate Victory during Iranian President’s Syria Visit

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will attend an event in celebration of the resistance front’s triumph during an upcoming trip to Syria, an official said.

Mohammad Jamshidi, the Iranian president's deputy chief of staff for political affairs, announced on Saturday that Raisi will soon pay a visit to Syria.

He noted that the resistance front’s victory ceremony will be held during the president’s visit to Syria.

“West Asia has undergone a tense period of geopolitical change with 2 results: victory of Iran & failure of the US,” Jamshidi said in a post on his Twitter account.

He also paid tribute to late Iranian commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani for giving the lesson that “successful diplomacy is rooted in being powerful in the field.”

On January 3, 2020, a US drone strike near Baghdad International Airport assassinated General Soleimani, former commander of the Quds Force of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps. The attack -- that also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) anti-terror group, along with several others -- came while General Soleimani was on an official visit to the Iraqi capital.

In a meeting with the former prime minister of Iraq in July 2020, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underlined that Iran will never forget the American assassination of the top commander in Iraq and “will definitely deal the reciprocal blow to Americans.”

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