Iran Urges Enhancement of Trade Ties with Uzbekistan

Iran Urges Enhancement of Trade Ties with Uzbekistan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called for stepped-up efforts to promote the economic and trade relations with Uzbekistan.

In a meeting with Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan Nuriddinjon Ismoilov, held in Tehran on Saturday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi pointed to the 18 cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding signed between the two countries, stressing the need to accelerate the implementation of the deals.

"The exchange of experiences between the parliaments of Iran and Uzbekistan will be an effective and positive step towards development of relations between the two countries," Raisi added, according to his official website.

He also described the civilizational and cultural commonalities between Iran and Uzbekistan as a suitable ground for the promotion of economic cooperation and stated, "The growth of political and economic relations between Iran and Uzbekistan in the past year has made the situation different compared to the past, but the existing capacities require more efforts for the promotion of relations."

For his part, Ismoilov praised the foreign policy of Iran in prioritizing the development of relations with the neighbors, saying, "In Uzbekistan, in line with this principled policy, during the amendment of the Constitution, the development of relations with neighbors has been given priority."

The parliaments of the two countries should play an effective role in the development of cooperation between the governments, the Uzbek speaker said, adding, "I assure that the Parliament of Uzbekistan will use all its facilities and capacities in order to implement the agreements between the two countries."

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