Interior Minister Highlights Peace, Security on Iran-Afghanistan Border

Interior Minister Highlights Peace, Security on Iran-Afghanistan Border

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Referring to the recent events that happened in Iran-Afghanistan border areas, the Iranian minister of interior said peace and security have been restored to the areas.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Ahmad Vahidi pointed to the border situation between Iran and Afghanistan and said it is calm. 

He pointed to a recent blunder made by Afghan border guards who embarked on shooting toward Iranian border guards and emphasized that the common borders are at complete peace now.

Thanks to the judicious measures taken by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the timely intervention of Taliban officials, the problem was settled, he said, adding that there are not any problems at the border now.

The minister noted that the Afghans had begun shooting at the common border, and the Iranian forces naturally responded to the shots in the proper manner.

“We currently have direct interaction with Afghan rulers and all misunderstandings and problems should be settled through dialogue and negotiation,” the interior minister concluded.

The Iranian Border Police Command said an Iranian border guard has been martyred and two others wounded during the skirmish with the Taliban that broke out at a border region on Saturday.

Iran said the skirmish broke out at a border region between the southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan and the Nimruz province of Afghanistan in areas around Sasouli, Hatam and Makaki villages.

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