Exclusive: Israel Surrounded by Missiles Supplied by Gen. Soleimani, Hezbollah Warns

Exclusive: Israel Surrounded by Missiles Supplied by Gen. Soleimani, Hezbollah Warns

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The chief of Lebanese Hezbollah's Executive Council warned the Israeli regime that all occupied territories are surrounded by the missiles provided by Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, reminding the Zionists that the era of their historic leaders has been over.

Tasnim has conducted an interview with the chief of Lebanese Hezbollah's Executive Council, Sayyid Hashim Safiuddin, in order to do an analysis of the regional circumstances and developments and the situation of the resistance, and evaluate them in relation to the Zionist regime’s conditions.


What follows is the second part of the interview with the prominent Hezbollah figure:

Tasnim: We saw in the past days that while the battle of ‘Revenge for the Free Men’ was in progress in Gaza, the Zionist regime launched attacks on there and simultaneously assassinated a number of Islamic Jihad commanders in the West Bank. What is the Lebanese Hezbollah’s approach to its Palestinian brothers?

Safiuddin: We have always stood by them. In all previous battles in Gaza and in the recent battle, we stood by our Palestinian brothers and notably by Islamic Jihad, which was the spearhead of confrontation with the Zionist enemy in the recent battle. We also stand by Palestinians in the cases relating to the captives, martyrs, or any Zionist aggression against resistance. However, they will be making the necessary decision. Whatever decision they make, we will always stand by them, support them and help them. We will provide them with anything they need if we can provide it. This is a natural issue and our duty.

This is a subject related to the political conditions or political interests. This is a principle of resistance. We have always stood by the Palestinian resistance and Palestinian nation, either in the issue of captives, or the Palestinian resistance fighters, or the Palestinian nation, or al-Quds, or the residents of al-Quds, or any other place and region. We expressed our readiness in the previous stage as well and did whatever was needed. I deem that there is no need to talk about the measures we have taken. What matters is that we are always prepared to help within the framework of the existing conditions and capabilities and the de facto needs.

Tasnim: While the Zionist regime is grappling with domestic protests, disturbances, and serious problems these days, we see at the same time that the siege around the territories occupied by the regime, particularly in the West Bank region, is being tightened and the situation for the Zionist enemy has become much more difficult. In general, how do you evaluate the status and layout of the resistance groups in the region and around the occupied territories?

The siege on the Zionist regime is being tightened.

The sense of weakness and decline has gripped Israel.

The Zionist regime’s leaders are confused and puzzled.

An operation will soon be carried out inside the 1948 regions that will include resistance.

Israel is surrounded by Haj Qassem missiles.

Israelis must bear in mind that staying in Palestine will be of no use to them.

Safiuddin: As I said at the beginning, we are moving in a course in which Israel is heading towards further weakness while our strength is increasing. The forms of weakness change, in the same way that the forms of power change. Take notice that today we have turned into an axis, while we were not so in the past, neither in terms of number (of forces), nor the missile capabilities, nor the weapon capabilities, nor the geographical area.

Our power and capabilities changed and evolved. In the same way, the weak points of the enemy are changing as well. In the past, the enemy was present and used to fight across all areas of this political regime and entity, known as Israel, and which we consider a temporary entity. But the area of this regime’s dominance began to shrink and became more restricted day by day.

It lost control of Gaza. Then it built the wall in part of the (West) Bank to protect itself. Once upon a time, the Israelis claimed they want to establish their big state from the Euphrates to the Nile, but today they have lowered their expectations to a country within this wall and the 48 region, calling this zone a Jewish state. This is what even the Zionists talk about today. This is one of the aspects of weakness, which could have not been achieved without resistance, resolve and determination. The conditions for Israel will get tougher both inside and outside Palestine, in all fields and spheres of resistance.

The internal problems are one of them that have now become clear. We know that the internal divisions at the political, social, cultural and economic levels and at the other levels have many reasons. But one of the most important reasons for Israel’s internal divisions is that they feel the weakness and decline. That is why they argue with each other in the right and left wings. Of course they have no left wing and nothing known as the left party has remained. They are either rightist or far-right. All of them are radical and extremist. These radical extremists quarrel with each other about how to confront and battle with the resistance. They are confused and puzzled.

At the outset of the aggression, when Netanyahu attacked Gaza and assassinated the resistance leaders, he said he wanted to establish and stabilize an equation. Thereafter, he was told inside Israel that “you have failed, could not establish any equation, and made Israel weaker”. All of these incidents that take place inside the Zionist regime today confirm that Israel is moving from one stage of weakness to another stage, and we tell you that such weakness is far beyond this level.

On the other hand, the resistance is getting stronger in the West Bank. Furthermore, the day will come when operations will be carried out inside the 48 regions participated by the resistance, something that Israel will not even imagine. Who could imagine that so many weapons and young Palestinian fighters might exist in Nablus and Jenin? All of these materialized throughout years, and this is not an easy issue. This will cause the regime to fall apart from within. Now imagine what would happen if the resistance gets into the 48 regions. In addition, this is the resistance axis that, by the regime’s own admission, has besieged Israel with Haj Qassem Soleimani’s missiles.

What has been planned by Haj Qassem, Haj Imad and the axis of resistance is materializing. I assure the whole friends of resistance and those intending to enter Palestine and al-Quds that all factors have been combined at the practical, military, and field levels and also at the political level, which is highly significant, so that we would reach the ultimate stage and the termination of Israel, God willing. In my address at the war game, I mentioned a point which I’d like to clarify here. Whenever a resistance was taking form, either by us or by the others, Israel used to resort to massacre, killing, pressure, arrests and every possible way in an attempt to give everybody one message that resistance is useless and to frustrate and disappoint the resistance movements.

Now we have changed the field and stage. What we carry out today and what the friends and foes should know is that we want to force Israelis into the stage that they’d come to the conclusion that staying in Palestine is of no use. This is a very important goal. The attacks, operations and pressures against Israel will continue. The internal pressures, the dire political conditions, and all what is currently happening inside and around Israel will drive this regime to the stage one day that it will realize that its stay in Palestine will be useless.

Tasnim: Recently, we heard Mr. Seyyid Hassan Nasrallah describe the internal conflicts within the Zionist regime as fratricide; a description that Netanyahu did not like. The tensions have become more severe as extremist factions have emerged among the occupiers. Considering this issue and other events such as the judicial coup that Netanyahu is planning, do you think that this path will lead to war or more intense internal strife in the occupied territories?

Revelation of Israel's internal divisions shows its weakness.

Era of Israel's historic leaders is over/current leaders are petty and corrupt.

Safiuddin: First of all, those who know Israeli society understand that it is not a cohesive, integrated and united one. They tried to portray themselves as a harmonious society while this society is based on internal disputes, conspiracy, murder and killing. They cannot live without organizing conspiracies against one another. If someone enters Israeli society, they will fully realize that there are numerous factors of discord among them. They themselves say, when a Jew kills another Jew, the world will end. They are now heading in this direction and they know what Jewish differences mean at this level. As their leaders and politicians have been, throughout history, fighting each other over money, wealth, positions and everything, it is the same today.

The truth is that Israeli society is crumbling from within. There are prejudices and discriminations there that cannot be easily neglected. They talk about these prejudices and discrimination from time to time. The power they had on the surface covered these prejudices but because today they are weakened politically and security-wise, their reality has been exposed and their differences have been revealed.

Israel's strength is not in its capabilities but in the weakness of Arabs and Muslims.

Netanyahu is desperate and appeases extremists for fear of imprisonment.

They don't have historic leaders; their historic leaders are gone. Their current leaders are petty leaders who are notorious for corruption and theft. Some have a criminal record and some will end up in prison. Some have pending cases. These are all part of the reality of this weak and collapsing social entity.

We have always said that Israel's strength is not in its capabilities but in the weakness of Arabs and Muslims. When the Arabs and Muslims started to show their strength and capability through resistance and realized their unity and integrity, Israel became weak and the factors of their weakness started to emerge. When the resistance gained strength, the nature of Israel was exposed and the weakness and incapacity of this regime was revealed.

We believe that these differences will increase in the future and there is no solution for them; especially since the US interferes in these disputes and supports one side against the other. The side that stands against America, that is, Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir and their inner circle have no options on the table. Currently, Netanyahu does not have the option of being the head of the cabinet or not. He must either remain prime minister or go to jail. For this reason, he uses everything in his power to stay in this position and to stay, he has to give in to the demands of Ben-Gvir and other extremists. He does not have any other option before him; when politicians have no other options, they make many mistakes. Therefore, Netanyahu will make many mistakes and any decision he makes in the future will be wrong and he will not be able to eliminate this weakness. Therefore, we believe that Israel will become weaker and weaker internally, just as it will act weaker and weaker in dealing with the resistance.

Tasnim: Many signs of America's declining power can be seen in the world, and new developments are taking shape; developments that, according to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, indicate a major historical shift. We are witnessing that the American unipolar order, in which the United States was the dominant power, is turning into a global multipolar order. Unlike before, the US is no longer able to single-handedly shape global equations based on its own interests. What are the specific impacts of this decline of American power on the fate of the Zionist regime and the situation in West Asia? How do you foresee future developments? And specifically, what role can the resistance front play in this field?

US wants to set the region on fire after its withdrawal.

What is happening in Europe is such that the biggest loser will be Europe itself.

Safiuddin: “Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood will certainly vanish.” [Holy Quran 17:81] What does it mean for falsehood to vanish away? Falsehood in its essence is declining, weak and collapsing. But to vanish, it needs the truth. Truth requires power. This is our understanding of what the Quran says. Today the US is in a weak position in the world, and this weakness is not only limited to our region. I refer you to the writings of many American researchers who have written in the last 20 to 25 years. They emphasize that the US once reached the peak of power and now it is time for this power to decline.

At one time, Fukuyama spoke of a unipolar world, and on the other side, there were people who believed that it was impossible for the US to rule the world alone. They used to talk about the Americanization of the world and the clash of civilizations and that they are forcing the world to submit to the civilization, culture, dollars, facilities and capabilities of the US. This was their final dream and wish. But the nature of things is such that the world does not accept this domination.

Richard Haass wrote a book in 2007 in which he said that the world will definitely move towards multilateralism, which is exactly what is happening today. Consequently, multilateralism will not happen in the world, unless the powers and countries stand up to America. Like what is happening today in China, Russia, Europe and the whole world. I hope you will record this statement, that what is happening in Europe is such that the biggest loser will be Europe itself. All the events that are happening in Europe, whether it is what is happening in Ukraine or the political developments that are happening in this continent as they are tying their fate to the US, are proceeding in such a way that in the end, it is Europe itself that will suffer.

We believe that the US has become weak in the world and this weakness is more evident in our region and Asia. But what does the US’s weakening mean? Some people say: you say the US is weakened, but it is still present in the region. We did not say that the US is not present in the region, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, or Iraq, we said that America has become weak. The US used to do whatever it wanted in Lebanon; it used to plan in Palestine in such a way that the resistance and the Palestinian issue would end and be over.

Israel's weakness is the US’s weakness.

It dreamed that there would be no Bashar Assad in Syria, but he is still there. It dreamed that Iraq would be engulfed in the Sunni-Shia strife, but Iraq overcame that. It dreamed that ISIL would be a solution against Iran and the axis of resistance, but ISIL has ended and Iran and the axis of resistance are stronger than before. It dreamed that Yemen would surrender, while Yemen did not surrender to the US and it was the US's puppets who surrendered to Yemen. All these are proof that the US is not the same as before. The US can no longer say it want to do this and make it happen.

The US’s first major defeat in Lebanon and historically its most important defeat occurred in the 33-day war. When the hard-line Republican Party, which controlled Iraq and Afghanistan, decided to change the Middle East region and Condoleezza Rice talked about it, it met with resistance in Lebanon and this plan failed in Lebanon. It was from Lebanon that the US’s failures and its weakening began. I tell you from a strategic point of view and I am not exaggerating in this regard, the battle has clearly ended and settled in favor of the resistance in the current equation, but it requires time and patience. Maybe one year, two years, three years or more; it takes time to create new conditions. The main power of the US has been dealt numerous, big blows in different dimensions, [and the US decline will happen] even if there are no direct military confrontations with the US.

Israel's weakness is the US’s weakness. The political changes that are taking place in the Persian Gulf region and the Arab world indicate America's weakness. If the axis of resistance, the Islamic Republic and all oppressed nations from Yemen to Palestine were not strong, none of these would have been achieved. Yes, we believe that the battle in its traditional and conventional sense ended in favor of the axis of resistance. But we must continue to be persistent and stable. Because American colonialism will undoubtedly blow the region up when it wants to leave it.

We now need a lot of vigilance and attention, so that the region does not get involved in American madness and intrigues. Because when the Americans want to leave the region, they will stop at nothing to destroy it. Because they have lost hope to be able to be present in it like before. We need this stage of precision, attention and vigilance. Because the stability of the region is to our benefit. The sharing of interests between nations and governments, being together and exchanging political, economic and scientific interests are all beneficial to us. For this reason, it is in our interest to go through the upcoming stage with vigilance.

The Abraham project and the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime failed.

The interests of the Muslim Ummah and the Islamic-Arab world lie in the resumption of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Iran was powerful before the Beijing agreement, and it is still powerful after it.

Tasnim: In recent years, the Zionist regime, with the support of the American government, tried to implement the Abraham project and normalize relations with the Arab countries in the region, which faced serious opposition from the people of the region and their protests against their leaders. After that, the topic of improving or resuming relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia came to the forefront of the news in the region and received a significant welcome from regional states. Many interpreted this as the failure of the US’s policies in the region and considered it a sign of the United States' weakness. How do you view these events?

Safiuddin: The first definite conclusion is that the Abraham project and all those who sought to normalize relations failed, this is an obvious issue. The second definite conclusion is that what happened between Iran and Saudi Arabia is in the interests of the Ummah and the Islamic and Arab world and is proof of our health and strength. Regardless of anything else, we are not talking about the intentions, plans and goals that some may talk about in the world of politics. What can be said for sure is that this development that took place in Beijing had many positive repercussions for the people of the region and was against the interests of the US and Israel.

The third issue is to be alert for the future, be careful about the future and don't rush to get the desired results. We have to see if this stability, establishment and convergence of the interests of people and the collapse and failure of the Abraham project will be confirmed or not. Undoubtedly, there are enemies in the region, including Israel, who are trying to destroy the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia. One of the reasons for Israel's recent aggression was that it wanted to send a message to the US to return normalization to its previous process and to say that the US and Israel are not weakened in the region.

It is not unlikely that the US will take political measures and make periodic trips and visits here and there to say that what happened between Iran and Saudi Arabia does not mean that normalization is over. It may take other security and economic measures to shake this stability and positive conditions. That is why we must be alert and awake. We should not rush to conclusions because of our power. In my opinion, the powerful side interacts calmly with the other side in every negotiation and conversation while the one who is afraid is the one in a rush.

Iran was powerful before the Beijing agreement, and it is still powerful after it. Iran was strong before regional changes and remains strong after that. Maybe it has become stronger, but it has been powerful. The axis of resistance was and is strong and powerful. For this reason, we are not afraid of these changes and developments and we do not feel cramped or pressured. Because we know what we have to rely on; we rely on the people, our resistance and the equations that we made ourselves. If the results are in our favor, we will become stronger and if not, we have no fear.

To be continued…

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