Islamic Jihad Praises Groups Dedicated to Defending Palestine

Islamic Jihad Praises Groups Dedicated to Defending Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Jihad movement lauded resistance groups dedicated to defending Palestine,

The movement reiterated that Israeli crimes will not stop Palestinian resistance against the Zionist state's occupation.

The Islamic Jihad made this comment as it mourned the death of Palestinian martyr Fares Hashash, 19, who was killed by Israeli occupation forces during a military incursion into Balata refugee camp outside the occupied West Bank city of Nablus. A boy was wounded during the attack.

"Israeli crimes against our people and our fighters will not stop resistance against the Israeli occupation," said Islamic Jihad. It cited a gun attack against Israeli occupation forces stationed near Al-Rayhan Crossing in Jenin, which was in response to the killing of Hashash.

The movement praised the fighters of Jenin Brigades, the Lions' Den in Nablus and all other groups across the occupied West Bank who are "dedicated to defending our people and fighting against repeated Israeli aggression."


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