Iran Urges Concerted Action by Independent States against Sanctions

Iran Urges Concerted Action by Independent States against Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi stressed the need for independent countries, including those in Latin America, to join hands, use each other’s capacities and develop an alliance to nullify foreign sanctions and stand against the hegemonic powers.

In comments at a joint press conference with his Nicaraguan counterpart in Managua on Wednesday, Raisi expressed satisfaction with his trip to the “land of the patient and resilient people of Nicaragua” and paid tribute to the national heroes of the Latin American country.

"Relations with independent countries have always been emphasized in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and my visit to Latin America and independent countries is in this direction,” he stated.

The Iranian president further stated, "If the will of the nations is respected all over the world and the domineering powers do not show arbitrariness towards people's vote and allow people's vote and will to be realized, the situation in the world will be different, but unfortunately today there is an unjust order in the world, and the system of domination, by forgetting God and itself, oppresses others and prevents the realization of the will of the nations."

“All these atrocities are caused by the fact that people commit oppression by ignoring the will of God, the need for justice in the world order, and ignoring the true awareness of the nations. Campaigning is one of their tools in putting pressure on nations and sanctions and threats are the other side of this coin,” Raisi added, his official website reported.

Emphasizing that the people's resistance, desire for justice, and desire for freedom neutralizes and pushes back the hegemons, the president clarified, "This is what has happened today in many countries of the Latin American region against the domination system and the bullying of the United States and its supporters."

"It is very important to connect independent countries and use mutual capacities. Cooperation between Latin American countries and other independent countries with each other in different regions can create an alliance that both neutralizes sanctions and increases the capacity of independent countries,” he noted.

Raisi also hailed the memoranda of understanding for the exchange of capacities and the use of mutual facilities between Iran and Nicaragua in order to improve the level of bilateral relations, commercial and economic cooperation, exchange of experiences and scientific and technological achievements.

"Despite sanctions and widespread threats, Iran has created opportunities for itself from these threats and has achieved considerable progress in the fields of science, technology, engineering, health, treatment and medicine, and today it is considered a technological country in these fields," he concluded.

The high-ranking delegations of Iran and Nicaragua signed three cooperation documents in the presence of the two countries' presidents on Wednesday.

The documents that entail cooperation in the judicial, economic and trade fields as well as the medical equipment industry were signed by the ministers of Foreign Affairs and Health of Iran and their Nicaraguan counterparts.

The Iranian president and his entourage arrived in Cuba on Wednesday night on the last leg of their tour of Latin America after visiting Venezuela and Nicaragua.

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