Iranian President Hails Outcome of Latin American Tour

Iranian President Hails Outcome of Latin American Tour

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Pointing to a total of 35 cooperation agreements signed during his visits to Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said it was necessary to make a revision of ties with the countries in Latin America as a major and strategic part of the world.

Speaking to reporters upon his arrival in Tehran after a three-nation tour of Latin America on Friday, Raisi said, "Many countries in this region have stood against the domination system for many years, and have a brilliant record of standing against the domination system and the current unjust world order."

The president considered the common features of the countries of that region as independence, freedom and justice, and added, "These countries share a discourse with our glorious Islamic Revolution because our revolution is also based on independence and freedom and attention to the will and vote of the people."

Iran’s foreign policy is based on balanced relations with all countries of the world, the president noted, adding, "Any country in the world that wants to have constructive relations with Iran based on respect for mutual interests, we will definitely have good relations with them. But if a country shows enmity towards us, our policy is to stand up and resist them."

"In the years after the Islamic Revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran had good relations with all the countries of the Latin American region, but these relations have not been active for some reason for the past decade," Raisi stated, his official website reported.

"It was necessary to review the relations with Latin American countries as an important and strategic center in the world and remove the obstacles to the activation of relations," he said.

"During this trip, a total of 35 cooperation documents were signed with Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba in the fields of energy, industry, mining, construction of power plants and biotechnology,” the president noted.

"Our priorities in connection with these countries were based on the existing capacities, firstly, in the field of technical-engineering services, secondly, the export of knowledge-based products, and thirdly, the supply of raw materials at reasonable prices, and fourthly, the creation of new markets,” he stated.

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