Iran Criticizes France for Using Fake Name in Persian Gulf Reference

Iran Criticizes France for Using Fake Name in Persian Gulf Reference

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani responded on Sunday to a tweet from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding developments in the Persian Gulf region, expressing concern over the intentional use of a fabricated term for the international body of water.

Kanaani emphasized that if France was referring to the Persian Gulf, they should use its “correct, historical, and internationally recognized name”.

Taking to his Twitter account, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson also urged France, which is geographically distant from the Persian Gulf region, to “avoid accusing Iran and making interventionist statements.”

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed on Friday that in the face of “rapid reorganizations” in the Persian Gulf region and the source of “instability that Iran continues to represent”, the European Union should "enhance its presence" in the region. However, rather than employing the term "Persian Gulf," France opted for the fabricated term "Gulf" to refer to the international body of water.

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