One Dead, Seven Including Children Injured in Swedish Rollercoaster Accident (+Video)

One Dead, Seven Including Children Injured in Swedish Rollercoaster Accident (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – One person has been killed and several injured in a roller coaster accident at the Grona Lund amusement park in the Swedish capital Stockholm, the TT news agency reported, citing a park spokesperson.

Witnesses reported that the steel-tracked Jetline rollercoaster, reaching speeds of up to 56mph and a height of 98 feet, partially derailed at an amusement park in Sweden.

The ride, described as a classic roller coaster with steep slopes and sharp curves, transports over one million visitors annually, according to the park's website.

Jenny Lagerstedt, a journalist visiting the park with her family, recounted to public broadcaster SVT that she heard a metallic noise and noticed the track structure shaking at the time of the accident. "My husband saw a roller coaster car with people in it falling to the ground," Lagerstedt said, expressing the fear her children experienced.


In response to the incident, the park's website displayed a black banner stating, "A serious accident has taken place on the Jetline. We are working with the rescue services. The park is closed for now."

Expressen, a Swedish publication, quoted a police officer at the amusement park who confirmed that several individuals had fallen off the ride and became stuck, while others were found on the ground. Yasin Chaudry, who was queuing for another ride nearby, witnessed the wheels of the rollercoaster coming off. According to Chaudry, two people fell out, and another person fell on them before the rollercoaster came to a halt.

The entire Grona Lund amusement park was evacuated and remains closed until further notice. Parisa Liljestrand, Sweden's Culture Minister, expressed her disbelief upon hearing the news of the accident. "My thoughts are with those that were affected as well as their families and loved ones," Liljestrand stated in a press release to the TT news agency.

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