Islamic Society Will Not Tolerate Insults to Holy Quran: President Raisi

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi expressed his strong condemnation of the desecration of the Quran in Sweden.

"They insult the most sacred divine book that was sent to guide humanity, not only offending 2 billion Muslims but also causing pain to followers of all divine, heavenly, and Abrahamic religions," he stated, adding that Islamic society will not tolerate insults to holy Quran.

At his Friday speech in front of worshippers in Rafsanjan, Kerman province, President Raisi stressed that the insults have deeply wounded the hearts of believers from various religious backgrounds.

"Insulting the entirety of the beloved Quran is an affront to all divine religions, mankind, and the fundamental values cherished by the Islamic society, which we will not tolerate," he reiterated.

Raisi's remark was in response to an incident, in which two men burned a copy of the holy Quran outside Stockholm's central mosque, with permission granted by a Swedish court. The act coincided with the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha, which marks the conclusion of the Hajj pilgrimage.

The President urged the youth to be aware of how those who claim to support freedom of speech disrespect the sanctity of Muslims through authoritarianism, imperialism, and a divisive mindset.

He posed the question, "Can we overlook such actions?" and emphasized, "The youth must recognize that these individuals are deceitful and not proponents of free speech, the power of the written word, or genuine ideologies. Instead, they are against freedom itself, seeking to impose their own despotism upon humanity under the guise of freedom of expression."

"Those who commit these insults against sacred values are fundamentally opposed to the principles of freedom," President Raisi concluded, highlighting the Quran's embodiment of freedom and its teachings on human liberty.